Apply for the Joey Edwards Memorial Award
The Joey Edwards Memorial Award is only awarded to a senior at Central Bucks High School (South, East and West) in an amount to be determined.
Criteria for selection:
Joey Edwards was known for being a uniquely kind and caring person who touched many lives. The scholarship committee is looking to recognize an individual who understands the importance of spreading kindness and has made a positive difference in the lives of others.
This award is intended to recognize the special acts of kindness towards others. Being involved in a particular volunteer activity is not as important as exemplifying the qualities of kindness and caring that Joey personified.
Senior planning on attending a 2- or 4-year college or accredited institution of higher education.
Completion of an essay (see below).
Testimonial from an individual who can attest to the kind acts you have shared.
The deadline for submission of the application is May 1, 2025.
Applications must be submitted through the Kind Like Joey website. All applicants’ eligibility will be confirmed with the senior office when the application is received.
The following additional documents are required for this scholarship application. Please email your documents to after filling out the form below.
Resume of Activities
Essay: Spreading kindness and paying it forward are two important philosophies to the Edwards family. Please submit an essay describing why kindness matters and how you have been a vehicle for spreading kindness in your school or community.
Recommendation(s): Please include a testimonial statement from someone who has experienced the benefit of your kindness. This is a very important part of the process as it can help demonstrate and substantiate the kind of difference you have made in someone’s life.